This page is our live, ongoing newsletter.

Better than a ton of emails, right?

New! Doin’ Dishes With One Field Live!

Can I help you with those dishes?

Don’t your eyes get a little sore from staring at that screen for so long? Well, catch up with your favorite community update by clicking below and having me give you a passionate reading of our “State Of The Field” update while you putter around with some chores.

Or, just enjoy your space, close your eyes, and be present with your beloved community, and imagine how you will thrive together!


One Field Live member Richard Kean led his first workshop here this month!


State Of The Field Address. 

First of all, let’s reconnect with the original inspiration behind our beloved One Field Live community.

One Field Live builds an audience for and connects coaches, students and teachers in a unique online membership that features powerful live events, trainings, and professional resources.

Through our intimate connection, and the resources of both teachers and participants, we grow our community together.

Health, wellbeing, emotional & spiritual literacy is then created and sustained on a global scale, through our shared service and connection!

It consists of two components.

One Field Live: Come Together

Our regular live events (both in person and online) are a chance to come together with your peers and this community to socialize, present your writing, coaching, art, music and speaking…and get a professional recording every time! 

Enjoy a deeply supportive audience, break away from pandemic isolation, and do regular trios facilitation processes.

One Field Live: Create Together

Behold! Our very own online community where you can post, share, keep in touch, watch our events and recordings, and build your audience through curated, up-to-date online trainings. 

We serve as a directory for our community. We started with the coaching and spiritual communities of USM, MSIA, SRF, Steve Chandler and 3 Principles, and the clients and associates of my own company, One Field Media (now One Field Live). We are now growing to include everyone drawn to creating profound change in the world. 

Face it: Facebook and all the others are not good for this. They can be hacked, there are ads, and it’s energetically questionable. Now, we will all be together in our own space. 

And, maybe most wonderful of all: after we reach our launch goal, we will advertise through pay-per-click campaigns to bring in more participants and content creators….building our audience collectively, rather than separately.

Attend Our August 27th event: all will be demonstrated!

For Content Creators. Our online platform will feature a step by step masterclass on how to create your own courses, landing pages, marketing and social media campaigns and a comprehensive client acquisition system. 

For Participants. it is a wonderful way to inexpensively receive world class coaching, teachings, music and art, and to connect with these Creators and each other!

How To Create Community, Wealth & Impact with One Field Live.

Our Launch Party is Scheduled for Sunday, August 27th! 

This will also be our second live event. There, in addition to our speakers and trios, you will be introduced to the online platform, a live demonstration of everything there that can launch your business to the next level, bringing your writing, coaching, and art to a wider audience, and provide an online companion for enjoying all your community has to offer. 

Did you know there is a way to both support our launch and make money to support your own projects right away?

Please welcome Insight Trainings’ David Raynr and Lynn Raynr to One Field Live!

I will actually be introducing four new wonderful One Field Live members at our launch event. These are more than members; Dr. Taira Stuart has begun working as an associate to develop One Field Live, using her professional mastery to complement my own skills to scale OFL to a greater expression of service and mastery.

And Sheri Rozeski has provided financial coaching for me to continue being a wise steward of our financial resources. Through my work with Sheri, we are clear on our budget and operating expenses, and to meet these I have created a spectacularly win-win system to manifest the revenue to make One Field Live happen in the most extraordinary way possible as we move towards full sustainment through subscription revenue. 

Which brings me to Lynn and David Raynr. Many of you may know David Raynr through the powerful Insight trainings he facilitates. I know Lynn through my participation in the Institute for Next Level Leadership offered by Inely Cesna and Mike Murphy, where I graduated from two Enneagram focused leadership programs.

Through them, I have been offered an opportunity to fulfill one of my dreams: to create a platform for ethical purchases.

What is remarkable is that this already exists! 

My Daily Choice is a powerful model for curated consumer integrity!

And now, we have a store set up where your purchases not only benefit One Field Live - and you for purchasing products that will enhance your life in keeping with your values - but you can also right away create your own store and start making money yourself.

You have an Amazon account, right? What if Amazon sent you a check every time someone signed up after you? That’s basically how it works.

You see, Spirit is spreading the banquet for One Field Live to succeed through providing value in all sorts of directions! I have invited David, Lynn and a few others to share about this for our next event on August 27th, but you can get started right away, just drop me a line! David and Lynn are trusted friends, so their vetting of this is very significant. And the products are not to be believed. 

You Make It Happen

The second way you can support OFL to properly launch is through using your discounted rates to have me run your workshop, your virtual event, produce your video or audio, your online course, or build your marketing platforms and social media content. I have been doing this for over 20 years, and I am great at it. And: how would it be to have One Field Live host your workshop here in Los Angeles as a hybrid event?

One Field Live Presents

A third way? One that could completely transform your life?

Explore our new One Field Live Presents page, featuring offerings and events produced by your community.

Registering for these will be stepping into something profoundly special, as well as supporting our own growth through our affiliate agreements.

Miracles Are. 

And finally, there is one final way you can support One Field Live, that is actually about an incredible gift you can give to you. 

As a coach and facilitator, I am offering in 2023:

  1. A support group for those whose focus is healing from disease and addiction. My life story is one of success in this area, and many friends and clients have asked me to support them in their own journeys. During this, I will be receiving certification training in Radical Remission™, and this group will be where the miracles occur. 

  2. I am facilitating an abundance study group where we go through three books together, meeting once a week for three months: Overcoming Underearning, by Barbara Stanny, It’s Not Your Money, by Tosha Silver (this will be the third time I facilitated this study group) and Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer. These three books have suggested exercises we will all do together. A donation of any amount gets you into this group. 

  3. A men’s support group in intimacy. This is my other superpower. My life story is also one of crippling social anxiety to extraordinary freedom and intimacy. 

  4. One on one and spot coaching. Explore the work I do, my own training, and listen within to hear your inner voice calling to you.

And Of Course…If You Believe That Everything This Community, Event Series and Platform Offers, And You Wish To Support Us, Please Consider Pledging And Becoming A Member!

Exciting News: Our Online Membership Will Be Open August 27th 

Yes, members can log in, create a profile and begin posting!

There will be some surprises waiting for you, but this is just a beginning. Expect to see more in the next few months:

  • A guided course for all Content Creators members on how to use your membership to grow and scale your audience, clients and customers. 

  • How to create products and online courses for purchase through your membership.

  • How to engage and build an audience through interacting with our members, posting, and offers. 

  • Updates on our own advertising to build the One Field Live membership to provide you with new client and customer leads. 

A Love Letter For You. 

One Field Live, you have read this far, so: I think you deserve a love letter. This is from my heart to yours. We love you!