Happy Holidays From Mark and Me!

In the coaching community I am a part of, we often create what is called a Document.

This Document is a statement of purpose, a vision of a life to live into, and a barometer to tell us when we are off course.

I memorize mine, and tell myself it aloud in the mornings, at night, and when I am called to - or if anyone asks.

It is the best way to introduce myself.

  • I AM infinitely powerful, and I connect with this power through my absolute commitment to my spiritual practice. I am resilient, courageous, and wise, and I demonstrate these qualities in all of my actions. 

  • I AM living in this world as the presence of love: for my partner Mark, my family and friends, my professional associates and for all those I meet in the world. I smile to all, and radiate Presence and Love.

  • I AM continually reaching out to connect and to serve. I especially love my home community of Idyllwild, and serve them powerfully.

  • I AM a soldier of Life. I start each day excited to do hard things. I relish each challenge; it thrills me with possibility. 

  • I AM choosing actions that reflect my values and my sense of integrity. These actions are grounded in my faith that everything is happening for the highest good, and that life is simply a learning opportunity, with tests and challenges over which I will eventually triumph. 

  • I AM mindful and discriminating in my consumption of food, media, and where I put my focus and energy. I am a wise steward of my time; I am comfortable with feeling discomfort, and not masking it with distractions.

  • I AM an acolyte of fun and joy! I attune to the bliss of life, and I am full of light, love and laughter. 

  • I AM infinitely compassionate, to others, and to my own shortcomings - my full and imperfect human expression. I recognize judgments, get curious, and work my process. 

  • I AM committed to co-creating a stream of abundance that honors who I am. I commit to the actions needed for this. I create this mindset with both deep surrender and massive action.

  • I AM a man of faith. My Intention is to honor my own life and to serve others by focused and joyful work, knowing that I will be taken care of in all areas of my life. 

  • I AM a professional. The work I do creates transformation both personally and organizationally, and fosters community, leadership, health and wellbeing.

  • I AM a creative artist. My creativity informs all areas of my life, professionally and avocationally.  

  • I AM committed to transforming and sustaining my body temple by creating the perfect healing environment through lifestyle, diet, mindset and spiritual work.

  • I AM relaxing and surrendering all to Divine Mother. My Heavenly Father takes care of me. I walk in my Master’s footsteps. I let Life live me. 

  • I AM Shannon Lloyd, a Prince of Peace, a Man of Action, the Healed Healer, and a Soldier of Love.