My Personal Page for my Prostate Cancer Brothers.
(Please do not share this webpage; it is for your eyes only.)
The side effects I experienced from the radical prostatectomy were impotence, and a few years after, urinary incontinence. The side effects from hormone therapy were a near complete loss of libido for several years. This, accompanied with dietary restrictions, were (and continue to be) one of the most challenging parts of my journey. In particular, I was an enthusiastic cook and a baker, so not enjoying the culinary life I had lived (I even worked in fine dining for nearly 20 years), was, combined with the loss of dimensions of my sexuality, a profound experience of grief.
I have made the decision to share this information only with the men I am coaching who may be facing these issues, as an invitation to not only share vulnerably about some of the most dreaded aspects of this disease, but also to offer this very true observation. I have never been happier in my life than I am now. I have never been more in love with my partner, and our sex life has never been better, in certain unexpected and deeply fulfilling ways. I take great joy in cooking wonderful items that often taste far better, once I got used to them, than much of the food I made formerly.
This also fits my lifestyle as a yogi. I have been initiated as a Kriya Yogi after years of study in the Self-Realization Fellowship, following spiritual leader Paramahansa Yogananda. For me personally I feel there is a profound dimension of power in the renunciation of the sensual. SRF is a path that honors all religions, as evidenced at my home temple, Lake Shrine in Los Angeles, where there are shrines to all the religions of the world. Yogananda also was a powerful teacher of healing techniques, sharing, before they became popular, profound wisdom in areas of health and healing widely used today.
My own supplement regime. (Important! I share this with men with prostate cancer only to notify you of potential supplements that have worked for me, but each person will be different in their own needs. Please see your naturopath, and if possible have your own “terrain” tested to find your optimal needs)