Healing by Sharing

Our podcast will feature your story with a minimum of back and forth, focusing on you and your message. Right now, I am taking as my model the Radical Remissions podcasts which you can review here.

This podcast will be heard by my modest email list of 500+, but also by more and more as we strategically grow.

The recorded files will also be made available to you to use; this non-exclusivity policy will be in place to support you sharing your own message to as many as possible.

Please enjoy detailing below what you would like me to know before our recording. As you deliver this podcast, and I will be supporting you using the full scope of my lengthy professional and coaching practices (review these links for my own creds as you are called), but the focus will continually be on you.

I am so honored you are committed to helping those our foundation supports, and using these recordings to also honor your own initiatives and professional services! These interviews are my favorite thing to do, and I know you will enjoy them!