Shannon’s Journey

Welcome to BEing Healing Coaching, with Shannon Lloyd.

BEing Healing Coaching is intended to be both profound, unique, and built on powerful teachings, both scientifically proven and anecdotally effective as well, creating a customized approach that we find together.  

50% of this coaching is delivered as specifically designed by Kelly Turner and her team at Radical Remissions. I have been certified with Radical Remissions as a coach, teacher and workshop leader because I was called to integrate these factors into my own life. Because I have been trained by the best coaches in the world, I recognized this training as very powerful right away!

The other 50% will be from my own training as a life, leadership, health and wellness coach, using the eight core influences of my own training.  

My training will focus on you, however reading this will be the only time where you may review my own story and training. The reason is this: when you pay for something, and you do research on what you are paying for, you tend to value it more. This is likely to create a greater awareness of the deep and powerful potential of coaching - results I know first hand from my own coach.  

My Coaching Journey

I began my journey in personal development with a spiritual awakening, sobriety from drugs and alcohol in 1995 when I was 31 years old. Shortly after, I began a meditation practice that continues to this date, and my spiritual practice continued with many teachers and organizations throughout my life.

I became involved professionally with coaching, spirituality and personal development, as well as consciousness, health and healing, in 2014 when I helped design a course in Spiritual Psychology for the University of Santa Monica, while earning my Master’s degree and several post grad degrees at USM. Some of the best coaches in this world graduated from this program, and many became my clients. The value of this was that for 10 years I learned from the best coaches in the world, with dozens of different approaches (you can read more about my training on my webpage).

My Healing Journey

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2020. Because of the spread of the tumor in the organ, I opted to undergo a radical prostatectomy that same year, followed by an extensive daily radiation treatment on the prostate bed for several months, as well as targeted radiation on a few bone lesions that had developed. My PSA varied, however extensive hormone therapy (Erleada and Lupron) kept my numbers down for several years. My medical team has included Dr. Mark Scholz, Mark Kelly, Dr. Predowski, Dr. John Shen, Robert Reiter, as well as surgeons and urologists from UCLA and private practices. 

Aside from the medical treatments, I went to faith healers, read voraciously, applied my training in Consciousness, Health & Healing as well as the core influences of BEing Healing, worked with an integrative oncologist, and did regular vitamin C injections. I currently take roughly 15 different supplements regularly throughout the day. I exercise daily, and once I trained with Radical Remissions, I put into place all ten factors. I underwent psychedelic therapy (psilocybin, ayahuasca, 5MeoDMT) under professional therapeutic supervision (as a sober man, this was a controversial, but for me beneficial, decision), and increased my meditation and yoga practice to around 75 minutes a day on average. 

The medical results were several periods of undetectable PSA, however before the second round of hormone therapy, there were eight areas of metastatic bone activity detected on PSMA scans. These were indicated as a medical “tipping point” by one of my doctors, which qualified as information - but not something to believe or even keep in my head as true (see below). The resumption of hormone therapy brought my levels to undetectable for a considerable period, however most recently the doctors believe the condition has become “castrate resistant,” something the doctors considered inevitable. My last PSA reading was 1.2, a climb from .02 and .08 within six months. 

I mentioned believing in the diagnosis, but not the prognosis. This is what the Radical Remissions community teaches, and is reflected in several of the factors. With BEing Healing, it is especially important, because the eight core influences all point to the power we have to heal ourselves with our thoughts. The science behind this has evolved from placebo theory to quantum physics and beyond, and is one of the cornerstones of my coaching. 

A word about cancer coaching, which also brings a powerful idea forwards. It is a significant practice to not bring any judgment around who lives and who dies. The coaching I bring to clients is separate from my own medical journey. If I experience a downturn, this does not affect the power I have to facilitate healing in others, or more accurately, to facilitate others to tap into and magnify their own healing power. 

To bring this to a close, I offer a reminder that our work together is about YOU. The eight core influences I use in my coaching practice are annotated as we coach, and in the case of Radical Remissions, proprietary and taught according to agreements with the organization. It is you who will work with your own intuition, spiritual wisdom and traditions, and the unique aspects of your own body, mind, emotions to create an entirely customized plan, in partnership with your own medical and integrative team, and with me, your BEing Healing coach. 

I believe, ultimately, healing is Love. I invite you into the extraordinary dimensions of practicing this healing Love, actively and co-actively, to create miracles in ways you may never have imagined. 

Just a few of the books I recommend. (add “The Survival Paradox: Reversing the Hidden Cause of Aging and Chronic Disease by Isaac Eliaz and You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter By: Dr. Joe Dispenza.)

Some wonderful cookbooks!