Mark and I in Dr. Scholz’s office.


An Open Letter to All My Family & Friends

Hello Everyone!

As many of you know from my ongoing blog posts below, we are stepping up our medical and integrative treatments based on the advice of my new medical team.

After my visit with Dr. Mark Scholz, we are expecting to begin a relatively mild form of chemotherapy (taxotere) in a few months or sooner, and some applied radiation on some bone metastasis sooner. I will continue with my ADT (hormone) therapy protocol indefinitely.

On the integrative side, I will be doing vitamin C infusions and a special protocol of supplements and diet prescribed by Dr. Marcel Hernandez.

Here is our new fundraiser to raise money for this.

Ongoing: my meditation practice, energy healings, yoga, strength training, special diet, and lifestyle changes that promote the following ten Radical Remissions elements into my life:

  • Changing your diet

  • Taking control of your health

  • Following your intuition

  • Using herbs and supplements

  • Releasing suppressed emotions

  • Increasing positive emotions

  • Embracing social support

  • Deepening your spiritual connection

  • Having strong reasons for living

  • Exercise

What is my prognosis? My UCLA medical team will tell you that any treatment is now palliative, not curative. Dr. Scholz, Dr. Martinez, Dr. Jeffrey Rediger (“Cured”) and “Radical Remissions” author Kelly Turner, however, give me more hope. No one can tell you how long I will live with this condition, which on the books is considered a permanent and slow growing cancer, treatable but at my stage (4) not curative.

However, I am truly convinced I CAN heal from this, and will.

I am in no pain right now, thanks to some integrative treatments and the effects of the hormone therapy at the source of the bone where I began to experience discomfort. I am declaring myself heading into complete remission, but will do everything my top medical team advises in harmony with my own intuition and decision making based on my highly proactive research.

My partner Mark is extraordinary. His support is gifting me with a powerful desire to heal and live, in every way and in every day. And he reminds me, when I despair over affording this new level of care, that I have incredible support all around me.

I have largely stepped back from the company I created with my business partner, while I continue to be able to work briskly with my private clients. This was truly a grieving process; I had wanted this business to support any remission if it occurred, and to also support a robust retirement, but running a business means not taking the time to heal.

But, something wonderful is coming out of all of this…

A deeper understanding of my role in both the limitation of my business growth and my healthcare trajectory has emerged, and from this point of power comes a new commitment to an incredible and evolving expression of love and service to all.

And, like the lotus in the mud, an unexpected treasure has emerged; my deep love of coaching has begun to flourish as an actual practice.

I credit a powerful weekend with Devon Bandison for this insight, and for introducing me to a new term for my condition - “somethin’ / nothin’”. Because, it is indeed something that is front and center in my life - but ultimately it is a nothin’, has no substance, because as I step into an incredible degree of commitment and action to clear the condition through loving it with a wide range of treatment protocols, ultimately it has no real substance, as the reality of life is divine immortality.

As part of my integrative medical approach, I have a profound and heartfelt calling to go to India for one month, where I have been accepted at a yoga teaching ashram. I would be housed in very simple, almost spartan conditions, without internet, eating simple vegan meals, and participating in the same yoga as teachers, but not getting the training. I would be able to completely devote myself to my meditation practice and to all healing techniques I have learned in the last two years.

Going to India will, however, depend on covering some commitments to two of my clients during the period from November 27 - December 22nd, and the ability to continue to do the treatments my doctors are prescribing. I am looking for someone to train with me to help me with these and other parts of my business. Do you know anyone who loves coaching and is technologically gifted?

It will also depend on me generating enough money through my One Field Live project initiative. This project is intended to allow me to keep my home and help me pay my healthcare expenses and fare to India.

Staying in India, however, will relatively be very inexpensive. I have recently been connecting with a yoga community who is very familiar with this well known yoga training center.

Mark and I will be creating a GoFundMe donation platform for support.

Another thing that will truly support me is to contact me for my coaching services.

Here is a link, in the meantime, to offer donations!


Hearts For “Richard” - the name I have given my condition.

Somethin’ / Nothin’

aka: “Richard”

Today was the day where I finally, I believe, fully accepted my condition.

It is a very, very tough day.

Unless my family and friends believe I have been too esoteric and “out there” in my perspective and treatment approach, I assure you I am aware of the following.

I have a diagnosis of Stage 4 metastatic disease (prostate cancer) that has spread to seven areas of my bones. No organs have been involved yet.

I am doing everything the doctors are telling me to do, and even changing my team to one of the most prestigious doctors (Dr. Mark Scholz) out there. I have received second and third opinions.

I am also, in support of my primary allopathic treatment, doing every means of integrative healing I am able, constrained only by my current resources, and I am working, with my partner Mark, to raise money to afford the treatments not covered by my insurance. My dear family and friends raised money in 2020 and 2021, and it saved my life, however I am also significantly in debt for my treatment this year. But I have a plan.

The hardest part of this is letting go of the business I expected to grow with my partner, Adam, who went his own way. The path of healing is the path of stress-less living, so navigating these circumstances, and releasing both my dreams for this One Field Media, and also my hope of supporting my healing financially and independently, is indeed a prime challenge.

The wonderful lotus in the proverbial mud: my final One Field project will be to launch a donation based weekly live / virtual event to support my new coaching practice, promote my clients work, continue my gift of trios service to the community - and support continuing to live in the space where I wish to heal.

My clients are my greatest supporters and also some of my best friends. Those who have come to me to build their platforms, produce their events and support delivering their education and their message, have truly been the wind beneath my wings. I only wish there were more of me to go around…above all, I want to be here, always, for my family and friends.

Actually, here is the hardest part. To experience, after two years of treatment, actual pain at the source of a metastasis, and to fear my life of health will be over, and that it is all downhill from here. To give full voice and full expression to this terror - and then to bring it back to the ocean of love, self-forgiveness, acceptance and mercy, knowing that God is truly with me every instant, guiding me with infinite grace and healing - and that I am worthy of this healing, and of radical remission!

- Shannon, October 12, 2022


Yep. It’s Back.



October 2, 2022

Today is the first day I felt my cancer. There is a sore space on my right rib, the first bone lesion detected on the PET scan about a year ago.

This was a wake up call, but it had been preceded by, last week, a direct message from Spirit - with the assistance of some psilocybin therapy I have been using.

Mark and I were in the Sequoias, and I was meditating under a tree as the psilocybin began taking effect. I heard a direct message: “you are very sick”.

Those who know me are aware I do not do drugs, or any substances, recreationally, and notable exceptions are a handful of times (3) I have done hallucinogens in a therapeutic environment. I don’t smoke, drink, and moderate even caffeine and sugar constantly, and all animal products. My notable exception with plant medicine is due to the remarkable support 2 weeks in the Amazon with ayahuasca gave me prior to my diagnosis, and proved extraordinary in giving my healing a jumpstart.

If you are familiar with therapy involving hallucinogens, you are aware you often experience messages that may be quite disturbing, but are experienced in the context of the healing and love that is specific to the plant medicine you are working with. So, this message brought a direct experience of grief, but as I wandered through these ancient and powerful woods, under the protection of my spiritual masters, I received messages of healing: 1) Become like water: flow, dissolve rigidity 2) Reduce the work you are doing 3) Focus on self-love, self-care and nurturing 4) Bring forward your strength.

This last message I received from the tree you see above. A fire had recently encroached these magnificent woods, and the tree was partly burned. It had a deep and hollow cave within, and I climbed down to meditate. Immediately I knew this was “my tree”. I felt the presence of what I felt were Native American spirits, and I was gifted a large “strength stick”. I felt that, like the burned forest, I would survive.

When I returned home, sure enough; the PET scan I had recently taken showed six new bone lesions, and PSMA uptake involving several organs, as well as several glands and lymph nodes. I had made the decision a few weeks ago to undergo additional hormone therapy couples with a new pharmaceutical apalutamide, and will be seeing my doctor to go over the results this week for more treatment recommendations.

So why “the joy of cancer”?

Cancer has been describes as “God’s reset button”. Other healers have mentioned, aside from the medical and allopathic elements, cancer is often a resistance to something, such as some part of your life you wish to move forwards in. Cancer can be linked to repressed emotional expression, and above all, to stress. This is aside from the somatic and allopathic elements.

Cancer has been shown to respond to lifestyle changes such as joy, laughter, life purpose, community, exercise, and a strong will to live: life purpose. There are additional dietary and supplemental treatments, all of which I have been using and exploring. I have plans to move into ayurveda, ozone therapy, acupuncture, massage, reiki, and continuing my dietary and exercise regime.

While the joy in your life is restorative and must be proactively brought into your life through conscious play, rest, relaxation, meditation and purposeful activities that bring you happiness, being authentic and feeling your unpleasant emotions is especially important to me; I am apt to gild the lilies a lot with my real state of mind, and play brave. I am currently completing a five day fast that brought forwards a lot of anger. I wanted - so badly - to drug these feelings with food (a real lifestyle change I struggle with)

On the medical side, I may be undergoing further radiation, and possibly now, chemotherapy. Different doctors suggest different thing. What’s exciting is my most recent involvement with Dr. Mark Scholz, who I have been reading ever since my first diagnosis. While my UCLA doctors prognosis feels cynical, Dr. Scholz’s videos and writings give me hope.

I will be asking for support moving forwards with expenses. During the last year of partial remission, I focused on building a business that I had high hopes for launching into greater and greater abundance with a solid growth plan - I wanted to generate income for further treatments, as my PSA began to show up again. The business did well, but at the very point of launch there occurred a somewhat shocking series of events that essentially dismantled the project and the investment I made in it.

Now, I have the perfect clients, and am stepping back as much as I can, and focusing entirely on saving the business by launching the final piece of One Field, One Field Live! This is the perfect flowering of my entelechy here on this planet.

More than anything, I invite you to celebrate everything in your life and in others, knowing that all is “for us”, all is in honor of our up-liftment and growth, even challenges such as this. Please hold the knowledge on this page as sacred, and honor it not with sympathy or negative thoughts, regrets or sorrow about this prognosis, but rather celebrate the opportunity for me to move further into the joy of healing, which is truly the joy of all living!

For those who are called, I welcome your healing and Light towards my physical body. And, because this webpage is private only for those in my community and for my friends and family, as always I keep it updated with all medical information. See below for my latest results.

Love, Light, Joy!




No suspicious PSMA uptake in the prostate bed. q

Stable low PSMA uptake, in several anatomically stable bilateral inguinal
and right external iliac nodes, favor reactive.

Increase of now intermediate PSMA uptake in the treated right femoral neck
sclerotic metastasis, grossly anatomically stable.
Interval increase of now high PSMA uptake in a right 11th rib
posterolateral border segmental lesion.
Multiple new low to intermediate PSMA avid (SUV max up to 5.1)
subcentimeter sclerotic osseous lesions in the right femoral neck adjacent
to the greater trochanter (5-475), in the right iliac bone (5-402), the
lower sternum left border (5-254), L3 vertebral body (5-338), T6 (5-208)
and right humeral head (5-154).


Physiologic PSMA uptake is noted in the lacrimal and salivary glands,
nasopharynx, vocal cords, gastrointestinal tract (especially duodenum),
spleen, liver, both kidneys, ureters and the urinary bladder, and testes.

For SUV reference:
SUVmean/max parotid/salivary glands 12.9/16.1 (fused series 5- image 92)
SUVmean/max right hepatic lobe 7.9/9.0 (fused series 4- image 174)
SUVmean/max descending thoracic aorta (level carina) 1.7/2.4 (fused series
5- image 251)

PSMA-expression score*:
High (3): SUV parotid/salivary glands
Intermediate (2): SUV liver
Low (1): SUV blood pool



Lungs: Multiple bilateral lung micronodules, upper lobe predominant, none
with PSMA uptake, although too small to resolve, to follow as clinically
Lymph nodes and Mediastinum: No PSMA-avid lymph nodes. Previously
described prominent chest nodes are no longer significantly PSMA avid,
likely prior reactive changes.
Pleura: Unremarkable.
Cardiovascular: Unremarkable.
Bilateral mild gynecomastia.

Liver: Unremarkable.
Gallbladder and bile ducts: Few calcified gallbladder stones.
Spleen, pancreas, adrenals: Unremarkable.
Kidneys and ureters: Unremarkable.
Bowel: Diverticulosis.
Bladder and reproductive organs: Underdistended bladder. Prostatectomy.
Lymph nodes: as above.
Peritoneum: Unremarkable.
Vessels: Unremarkable.
Abdominal wall: Unremarkable.

As above.