I am so honored you have chosen to join us for this comprehensive and immersive five day experience.
This webpage is your class link, be sure to bookmark it, and email me with any questions.
This work is the culmination of my own training, building on the extraordinary work of my own teachers.
Here is the link for all classes.
Monday, March 24 / 6 - 7:30 PST
Tuesday, March 25 / 6 - 7:30 PST
Monday, March 26 / 6 - 7:30 PST
Monday, March 27 / 6 - 7:30 PST
Monday, March 28 / 6 - 8 PST*
* JUST ADDED! The final day will feature one of my own teachers sharing their mastery in a 30 minute teaching module.
Suggested Reading
These books are the foundation of our five day workshop, and are highly recommended!