17 Months (don’t believe it)

Silent as angels. 

Suddenly there were eight people around me. Lying on the floor wrapped in a blanket, waiting for my Coherence Healing, I couldn’t help but feel vulnerable and a little abashed, not knowing what was going to happen.

There was talk of interdimensional beings. Dead relatives. 

But mostly, lots and lots of science and research, delivered over the weeklong Dr. Joe Dispenza Advanced Retreat, along with 20+ hours of guided meditations.

What happened then was powerful, remarkable…tectonic, life-changing.

But let me go back and explain something first. Have you grasped the numerical concept of these blogs? 

17 Months. (don’t believe it!)

We are counting down a medical prognosis the doctor gave me at the beginning of May, 2024. A new blog each month. Did you catch that the subcaption was “Don’t Believe it?”?

We will continue counting down, month by month, until we reach 0. 

And then we reverse. As I head into longevity. 

The Quantum Field.

Lots and lots of data appears to be proving that these meditations, healings and retreats are creating spontaneous remissions, through generating powerful healing molecules and proteins into the meditator’s body. 

How does this happen? 

The essence of what we learned and experienced was that meditation will connect you with the quantum field, where there is nothing but frequency and vibration. Feeling your own powerful vibration of a created future can manifest this in “3D” reality “if there is a match in the field”.  3D reality: holograph, essentially - physics. 

You begin to recognize that your brain’s self-sustaining neural patterning keeps you in the same body and mind that created an issue; you must recreate yourself entirely to manifest what is required to manifest and live into your joyfully felt future. 

Oh, this is still such a simplification! The magic is in the collective and committed practice. 


My beloved Mark and I built the rocket, and asked for the fuel. Loving angels appeared. Donations came in. I created a customized gratitude video for each donor. These communications made my cells sparkle with joy. 

The rocket was not only aimed for Dr. Joe’s retreat in Denver, where my family lives, but for three weeks at a healing center in Canada afterwards (The Healing Oasis in B.C.). At 20K, this vetted center through my Radical Remissions community was less expensive than similar clinics in Mexico and abroad, and through my community I got a 5K scholarship. I declared bankruptcy and funneled all my own money into this launch.  As I write this, we have 3 days left and still need 1K for the final invoice. Nothing like suspense!


During the retreat, my energy all week had been fluctuating. Before my first Coherence Healing I had experienced a lot of intense emotion…my body seemed to know what was going to happen.

As the first healing began…She Came.

I lost my mother when I was 18, and when she made her presence known, my body leapt into convulsive sobs of joy…she was there!

My body radiated from beyond, my self-consciousness gone…I wasn’t even there. 

The final two healings were supernatural. I felt waves of dull, achy, pressury energy surrounding the affected parts of my body, as tears constantly streamed down my eyes. 

My energy during the last few days of the event dropped off a cliff. Sometimes I could barely walk. 

The meditations: I was a true soldier, and brought every ounce of effort to these guided meditations, some lasting over 4 hours. Working the pineal gland, breathing, cerebro-spinal fluid rising to activate the cosmic connection, blast off! Women were shrieking, men moaning all over the auditorium of two thousand people.

I had driven earlier to Denver from Los Angeles (replacing two tires en route, but blissed by the voyage), and after the event drove to my childhood home in Grand Junction to stay with my aunt, where I am writing this now. 

Who am I? I am entirely different. 

I am now declaring myself healed. 

Why then, Canada? 

We already paid the first invoice and bought the ticket, and given this commitment, I surmise it to be a final, nourishing strategy to create my meditation lifestyle (off the grid with time to create a 2 hour a day practice), seal my body’s healing with powerful integrative practices, and reinvent myself even more completely, off the grid. 

17 Months? Ha!

A gentle request.

Will you now think of me as healed? Do as I do - think of me being here for quite awhile, and if you think of me, think of the joy I am creating by helping others heal. 

Here I am. Exploding with love. 


16 Months (don’t believe it)


18 Months (don’t believe it)