Trumping The Trump
Note: This offering is currently under development. What are your thoughts?
We Are:
Not about the politics of right or wrong. We are about honoring your individual Spirit led calling, and transforming passive upset into dynamic activism.
Not against anything, but FOR what we each believe in.
From all walks of life, but wishing to honor our individual courage and call to action in the face of what we perceive as significant global challenges.
The TTT premise actually calls forward the definition of “trump”:
Trump (verb): beat (someone or something) by saying or doing something better.
The idea was generated by the excitement I felt after the Nov. 5th election. Despite the social and political trends at play, I actually felt inspired that a real opportunity was being born to be called into a new level of leadership and activism.
My observation has been there has been a nationwide trend of discussion and social media communications consisting of ideas with no calls to action. It sometimes shows up as complaining.
I feel we have, collectively, been lulled into complacency by a certain degree of comfort. Because leadership coaching is a passion of mine, and I have been an active part of my coaching community for over a decade, it feels there is a calling to coach people in a way that alleviates their disturbance by guiding them to positive leadership development, and through this, social activism.
The program itself is designed to foster community, avoid pointless controversy and discussion, and create accountability for our members to both process disturbance, enhance well-being, and leveraging a spiritual perspective (Satyagraha), move into a project of their own choosing with definable goals and outcomes.
Simple Satyagraha
This transformational program supports the 21st century spiritual warrior and life activist to move beyond the cycles of thinking and behavior that perpetuates (highly addictive) patterns of disturbance, and into a fearless and empowered state of being which creates what is truly needed for a world in crisis.
Taking back the word “trump” is a powerful first step. You have that within you that trumps anything the outside world can throw at you. You have that within you which is eternal, born of the wisdom that takes right action, creating the life of a powerful spiritual samurai.
Politically, our perspective mirrors the philosophy of Mahatma Ghandi’s satyagraha philosophy:
“…Practitioners of satyagraha achieve correct insight into the real nature of an evil situation by observing a nonviolence of the mind, by seeking truth in a spirit of peace and love, and by undergoing a rigorous process of self-scrutiny. In so doing, the satyagrahi encounters truth in the absolute. By refusing to submit to the wrong or to cooperate with it in any way, the satyagrahi asserts that truth. Throughout the confrontation with evil, the satyagrahi must adhere to nonviolence, for to employ violence would be to lose correct insight. Satyagrahis always warn their opponents of their intentions; satyagraha forbids any tactic suggesting the use of secrecy to one’s advantage. Satyagraha includes more than civil disobedience. Its full range of application extends from the details of correct daily living to the construction of alternative political and economic institutions. Satyagraha seeks to conquer through conversion: in the end, there is neither defeat nor victory but rather a new harmony.”
This program is, however, not specifically an organized agenda or movement against Donald Trump or his platforms, but a comprehensive teaching and coaching program to effectively live as an empowered and uniquely effective individual, while thriving within current world situations, and focusing both inwardly and outwardly to create effective change. It also leverages a national feeling of despair, mainly amidst progressives, to empower themselves and create lives of meaning despite waht many perceive as global nationalistic and totalitarian tendencies. This philosophy is core to our group; using everything for our upliftment, growth, and positive action.
Use Everything For Upliftment & Growth
I woke up on November 6th with a new sense of purpose and hope. I felt like my time had finally arrived. I absolutely nailed my morning routine, and I felt like the day ahead would be truly special.
How did you feel that fateful morning?
To be clear, I have ideas about Donald Trump. I had an extraordinary experience in 2017 when I had a very dark and disturbing vision of the future after he was elected. It happened during a powerful spiritual process, and it made me physically ill to the point where I had to excuse myself. What then transpired was a sort of awakening, a tangible kriya event (bodily transcendence) that was one of the most powerful and uplifting moments of my life. But the process to get there was a bit of an exorcism, and remains one of the few truly supernatural occurrences of my life.
Still, I thought I had avoided this vision after January 6th, 2021 occurred. And then, when I observed a new wave of support for Trump, I almost had a hunch he would be elected. It seemed to fit what I was seeing in the country, what some wise folks had said to me about 2025, and what also seemed a natural progression of the vagaries of late-stage capitalism. Also; I somehow felt that my vision might still be accurate.
Meanwhile, most of the Trump phenomenon was occurring while I was fighting a serious illness, which recently has progressed to stage IV metastatic prostate cancer, with a prognosis (5 months ago) of 19 months. I am scheduled for chemotherapy in a week, while still having absolute certainty of a “Radical Remission”.
These strong intimations of annihilation, though entirely personal (and not even, perhaps, accurate), birthed a powerful new sense of purpose within - whether what I believed about the future was true or not, this purpose was real. I recognized that I had trained for this all of my life! Being fortunate enough to have been mentored by some of the best teachers and coaches in the world, it was now my time to create what I felt to be uniquely needed in our present time.
It feels ripe, important, and grand. Drawing on the limitless, shaped by wisdom, birthed in fire. It is the Time of the Peaceful Warrior (thanks, Dan Millman), a rebirth of stoicism and Satyagraha (thanks, Marcus Aurelius & Master Ghandi). It uses everything, absolutely everything for personal and collective upliftment and growth (thanks, Dr. Ron & Mary Hulnick) and assumes everything and anything is happening for you, not too you (thanks, Byron Katie).
Welcome to Trumping The Trump, a 21st century platform to support activism and transformation.
- Shannon Lloyd
November 7, 2024
The Program
Weekly Online Coaching Event (open to all, only members share)
Format 90 minutes. First half hour speaking. Second half an hour coaching (2 x 15). Third half an hour, speaking about the program, Q&A.
Bi-weekly private coaching session (90 minutes)
Accountability structure, Tracking sheet format (partner meetings)
BEing Healing membership (bi-weekly meetings)
Turn Online Forum
Whats App thread
Monthly peace meditation (30 minutes)
Monthly activism meeting (partners and everyone)
Processing trios (bi-weekly)
(first cohort - a dozen @ $495 for three months)
Key Components
Correct use of news and social media
Communicating effectively (re: satyagraha & USM principles)
Into action, and working with all upset to “drop the weight” - or using it for energy before eventually transforming it.
Lifestyle choices
Spiritual advancement
Health and Healing
Rechristen Donald Trump as “Donald” (take back the trump!). This cheekiness is not about against-ness, but avoids confusion with our own organization - and by calling him and other politicians by their first, “kids” name, reminds us that everyone is a child of God.
Satyagraha & activism
Service consciousness
Relationships / constant person-to-person connection
Life (Activism) project
Emotional health
So this pilot page is only a half day’s work. More to come. I feel I am the man for the job. I am seeing a lot of folks simply turning their Facebook profile pic black and whining and being grumpy. My personal commitment is to effectively process all emotional energy through the technology I know, and then reframe all thoughts to positive action. Like going to the gym, it takes constant practice (my brain still goes into imaginary conversations with my Donald driven parents). I have to do the emotional work, then catch those thoughts and focus them to visioning myself and my work as outwardly focused. I welcome the fight. I welcome the opportunity to live in full discomfort outside of the luxury in this country I have taken for granted. Now is the time.